Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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3112 Spring Dr, Alexandria VA 22306 For Sale

How Much Do 2,892 Sqft Detached Homes Cost At Valley View in Alexandria, Virginia?

Purchasing a detached home like 3112 Spring Dr is likely to be the single biggest transaction most residents of Fairfax County will ever make. As a matter of fact, as a devoted and faithful Realtor, Nesbitt Realty & Management will be a strong protector who grasps the sympathetic and explanatory backing that home buyers need when dreaming about $900,000 5-bedroom 3-baths residences in Alexandria and acquiring a home like 3112 Spring Dr. Moreover, there will be problems to manage and overcome.  Above all, a real estate whiz like Nesbitt Realty & Management can guide you to avoid most of the pitfalls  associated with buying a dwelling in 22306 in Fairfax County. Continue reading
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3206 Collard St, Alexandria VA 22306 For Sale

Find A 3 Bedroom Detached Home in the Alexandria  Area For $575,000

So, is 3206 Collard St the detached home for you? Maybe. Are you shopping for a $575,000 3-bedroom 2-baths place in Alexandria? Are you seeking a mid-sized property in 22306 in Fairfax County? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? Can you afford $575,000? Is it actually worth $605,000 or $545,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $3,108 on this real estate purchase? As a shopper you can deduct your property taxes, and many of the costs involved in buying a property in Fairfax County.  Ask Nesbitt Realty to explain the benefits of buying. He can help. Continue reading
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3112 Spring Dr, Alexandria VA 22306 Advertised For Sale

A Primer On Detached Homes Listed For Sale In Fairfax County

The majority of property seekers are prepared to juggle priorities on just about everything . . . except price. This real estate is asking $925,000. If you're hunting your options in Alexandria, Virginia and your property buying budget is roughly $950,000, you may want to email Stuart Nesbitt about what's available in the Alexandria area. Continue reading
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7017 Grove Rd, Alexandria VA 22306 For Sale

$495,000 ⁘ 3 Bedroom in 22306 in Fairfax County at Valley View

Are You Seeking 1,411 Sqft Of Living Space?

Julie Nesbitt tells us that 7017 Grove Rd, Alexandria VA is a mid 20th-century modest opportunity at $495,000. But, the average living area of homes in Fairfax County is 2,815 sqft. Continue reading

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