6617 Beddoo St, Alexandria VA 22306 Listed For Sale
Helpful Reasons for Alexandria, Virginia Home Purchasers Considering Northern Virginia?
Should you make an offer purchase 6617 Beddoo St? Possibly. To answer that with confidence, Will Nesbitt has to know the answer to a number of questions.
Can you afford $669,900? Is it actually worth $701,000 or $599,000? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $3,893 on this purchase?
Are you looking for a Colonial home in Alexandria? Do you need 3 full baths and 0 half baths? If you need more details, Will Nesbitt can show you exactly what $650,000 can buy you in 22306 in Alexandria today.
$669,900 :: 5 BR :: 3 BA :: 0 HB :: 1,635 SQFT :: 6617 Beddoo StAlexandria22306 VA
:: Beddoo Heights ::
Honey Stop The Car! This is it. Located in sought after Belle Haven in Alexandria - this gorgeous Colonial home sits on a commuters dream location, meticulously kept and recently updated by the owners. Modern updates throughout the home. Turn ... [Read more]
Nesbitt Realty
About The Same Size As 6617 Beddoo St?
All the detached homes in this table are roughly the same living area as 6617 Beddoo St. Why compare properties of a similar size to 6617 Beddoo St in Northern Virginia? Furthermore, by comparing similarly sized properties, a shopper can get the asking price and the real estate market in Northern Virginia.
All the sections in this table have detached homes for sale which are about the same living area as 6617 Beddoo St. Why identify places like this? Because, by comparing some places, a property seeker can comprehend what is in fact available in Fairfax County.
Would you like a garage? If so, you're probably interested the the table below. The table describes how many residences on the market for about $669,900 have a garage in Alexandria.
Will's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 6617 Beddoo St in Alexandria
6617 Beddoo St Alexandria VA 22306 has 5 bedrooms and 1,635 sqft. This detached home is listed for $669,900. It’s easy to get wrapped up in your present needs. Above all, a home buyer should also think about reselling his detached home purchase in 22306. Hence, the most compatible time to start thinking about advertised for sale real estate is well before you actually purchase real estate. Detached Homes in Beddoo Heights were built in 1960. Will Nesbitt is knowledgeable about Fairfax County, sensible, well-informed, and well-informed.
Nesbitt Realty
Comparable In Price To 6617 Beddoo St
Will Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to learn a bit more about 6617 Beddoo St or any of the places below. On the other hand, if needed, Will can provide details and more information.
If you use Will Nesbitt as your agent to purchase 6617 Beddoo St, Nesbitt Realty can pay you $3,893 at settlement! That's real money and real savings for you. Email Will Nesbitt to learn more from a friendly professional on Fairfax County real estate.