- the average number of days on the market is 157.
- the most expensive place on the market is 2908 E Lee Ave E.
- the least expensive home on the market is 2810 E Side Dr.
- 2840 Memorial St is currently listed for $609,000.
How big are recently-sold similarly-priced homes in and around the Beltway
▲ | ▼ |
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft) | 54 Active |
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft) | 140 Active |
Mid-Sized (1501 to 2,000 sqft) | 196 Active |
Large (2001 to 2,500 sqft) | 70 Active |
Big (2501 to 3,000 sqft) | 39 Active |
Very Large (3001 to 4,000 sqft) | 20 Active |
Recently Sold At Memorial Heights
$669,900 at Memorial Heights SOLD!
See more in Recently Sold At Memorial Heights